First B-day Party
Today my niece turns 9. Tonight is her party. They ordered ice cream cake from DQ, which is my absolute favorite. I plan to bring my pudding to eat while the others are having the cake. I think it will be fine as I have no real desire to eat, however I am hoping this wont be my first experience wanting something that I can't have!!!!!!!
Just thought I would vent!!
Chances are you will not even want it. I know I didn't, but then again at 6 months out I still do not want cake and the only time I even think about icecream is when everyone BUT me is having it, but it passes quickly. I hope I do not go back to it but that is something that is easily avoided.
I must be a real wuss, at the point where you are I was still barely coping.
In fact I do not think I left the house/property till I was 3 weeks out except to go to my 2 week appointment.
This has me thinking I was a real wuss!!
Just go and enjoy!!