Mainecare Meeting
Well I went and I hope I was of some help trying to get them to understand the need for WLS. I also gave them a letter, my medical history, my diet history, and Internet info on obesity and WLS. If the WHO ( World Health Organization) can agree that obesity is an epidemic and a disease Who does the State of Maine think it is to say this is merely cosmetic surgery. I brought my two children so that the board could see some of the innocent people affected by their proposal....when I can't do the work around the house it falls to the children to do...when I'm in pain it is my children who suffer with me. I hope that the board will allow WLS to continue uninterupted so that I can show my children the way this government is supposed to work.
Sounds like you probably could have said NOTHING better. I hope all goes well. I had my surgery last Friday and have Mainecare as a secondary and from what I understand, they will not be paying anything as my Blue Cross/ Blue Shield has agreed to cover it.
I do NOT believe wls is cosmetic and I do hope it gets across to them. I also think this is a very few people that want this coverage stopped so the money can be put to other things. Probably foolish things.. Anyone agree that I smell politics here?????????
thank you for the kind words....two hour drive with no heater.... I am supposed to be on bed rest and on heavy pain meds because I torn the ligaments off my lower spine. I drove so no meds. two cold children and one momma hurting so much I was literally shaking....I sure do hope I said something coherantly.
Michelle, I was in an overflow room 3 & didnt see you but heard you speak & it brought tears to my eyes. you did a wonderful job. I sure hope they were listening. I can not imagine them sitting there hearing health care professional & patients pre & post op speak that they can make this cut & live with that decision. Please let me know if you hear of any decisions. Where are you in the process, have you had your paperwork filed? I am just wondering, I have my appt next week w/ Dr. Cobean & am keeping my fingers crossed that this cut does not happen. Again, you did wonderfully today & I applaud you for getting up there & pouring out your heart. You spoke for so many people & I just want to Thank you!!
Ron, as far as I heard NO ONE was there to speak against WLS! There were at least 300 people there to talk about All of the things on the agenda. I counted 8 dr.s in room one. Dr. Toder was there which I found funny because she doesn't even take Maincare patients.
Vikki, Thank you! I am pre op just about to see the surgeon when I got hit with the bad news which means no visit with the surgeon and no surgery until we hear more from the state.