I'm so excited, I just can't hide it
Hello Amos Family, I have come to you all with questions, concerns, and all the other things that go along with WLS. I thank you all for the different rolls that you have all played in my journey.
Today, I come to you all with a Dream that has come true. When I began this Journey, I weighed 320 lbs. I never thought that I could lose weight, but with this surgery, I have accomplished so much that I can't help but Smile~!
This morning I got up and weighed in. The scale said .............................. 

219.5. OMG OMG

That's 100.5 lbs gone! I weigh less now then my two children ages 18 and 21 have ever known me to weigh. They are in awe of having a smaller mom, and neither of them ever pass up a chance to say " Mom your so tiny". That's far fetched to me, but to them, I must be tiny.
My steps son's were here for Christmas and asked me where the other half of me went. They had not seen me since surgery.
Today is such a touching day in my life that I come to those that have helped me so much. My Amos Family. 

If it wasn't for a magazine article in a Women's magazine last January that led me to a search that brought me to OBH.com I would not be where I am today.
With ALL your help and my famlies support, I am so much healthier then I was 6 months ago. I am 6 months and one week post op, and never thought this day would come.
I Thank God each and every morning for allowing Drs to have the knowledge to be able to perform this life saving surgery. If God was not my guide in this, I would never have chosen this surgery.
God Bless you All and MAN what a way to Roll in the New Year!
Happy New Year!
Love you all!

Way to go Pammie!! I hope to be as excited as you one day soon. Hub asked me earlier if I am nervous. I WAS nervous, maybe last week.. but now just anxious to go in there, have it done, get home, and feel good by spring. I have stayed inside for so long because of my weight AND disability. I hope to go outside with my kids and shoot hoops soon. In a wheelchair of course, but losing weight will help me to be more mobile. It wont give me back my balance/coordination, but the self confidence is to go out and do things is what I will be most thankful for!!

Kelley, Thank you so Much for the message. Today is truly a Miracle in my Book! I feel so blessed to have had the chance to begin my life over, and re-learn a whole new Healthier Lifestyle.
You will be in my thoughts and prayers as you enter into your own Surgery and recovery.
If there is any questions I can answer, or anything that I can do to help. just let me know.
I will also pray that you have a peace that comes over you on your New Birthday and that all fears and nervousness will be left behind.
God Bless!
Theresa! Thank you so much!
It does not go un-noticed that you my dear are an inspiration to us all.
You are always there with a vote of confidence, a quick whit, and all the information that we would need.
Its so nice seeing your smiling face on the boards daily!
Keep up the good work on your own Journey!
PS.... I think it's time to flatter us with a new Picture. hehehe
Hugz to Ya!
Linda, Thank you for the reply.
Your own Journey is about to unfold. I know that the New Year is gonna be such a blessing for you.
Buckle Up and get ready for the ride of a lifetime.
I will have you in my thoughts and prayers as you enter into this new Phase of your life. You will be so happy that you have had this chance to re-write a Healtheir Lifestyle.
God Bless!