Hearing Aids
My hubby wears hearing aids. I understand that they will give him a beeper while I am in surgery. The problem with that is.. He does not do well on the phone at all... Theresa, how did your hubby handle this? I wonder if they will take this into consideration and send someone to talk to him? He understands better reading the lips and hearing a little along with it..... Just a little last minute question!!
As you know my hub wears hearing aides and I was very worried about him not hearing the beeper. Plus they said the doctor would talk to him on the phone. I was afraid that he would not be able to understand Dr Clough.
Well, that morning at "intake" I explained my fears. They were great. They have some beepers that you can set to vibrate, be sure to ask for one. Then they said they would talk to the doctor and repeat it to Nick. Everything happened so fast, I do not think I was in recovery very long, I only remember that I woke up, not that I was awake, if that makes sense. By the time the call went to Nick I was on my way to the room. The intake person just told him I was fine and on the way to my room. He got there before me. It worked out wonderful.
I tend to worry more about Nick then myself, always being afraid he will be uncomfortable, this works to my advantage at times because it gives me little time to worry about what is happening to me. The morning of surgery was one of those times.
Does your hub use any signing? Nick rarely gets to use it I bet he would enjoy being able to sign with your hub if he does. We will be sure to stop in and see you, might not be till after, but we will stop in.
You are going to do WONDERFUL!!!!!
Hang in there, almost time!
John won't have a problem hearing the beaper (my 12 yr old will be with him) but people's voices sound muffled to him on the phone. He does not sign, HOWEVER my sister (who is 100% deaf) signs. This sounds stupid, but I do not sign much. She knows us so well and reads lips so well that we have never had to. I use some but very little.
Do not feel bad, I do not even know one sign. Nick has one deaf friend and I can usually figure out what he is saying and he reads my lips also. Nick and 1 of his sisters were born hard of hearing though no one ever knew it till his sister was 4 or 5 and he is a year younger then her. They were speaking and everyone just assumed they might have a speech impediment.
Few know Nick is hard of hearing, really odd. When Nick and I first started going out I had male friends that asked me why I would go out with such a snob. He just never heard them talking to him so he didnt answer back. Nick is a very friendly guy but is on the shy side so people have to make an effort with him first.
I am soooooooooooooooo excited for Friday. I bet you are also.
Happy Holidays!!!!