I have been approved, I guess
I got my letter from Mainecare today and it says I am approved for the surgery, but, I don't know if its real. I was approved from Dec 05,03 until Dec 31,03. Does that mean if I don't have surgery by the 31 I can't have it?
Then I read Ron's post and see where DHS wants to cut funding. Now I don't know if I am UP or down.

Hi Linda,
I think where you got the approval letter you should be all set. It is weird that your letter says that you are approved from Dec 5th to the 31st. Mine said I was approved from November 25th till March 31st. You may want to call and see what that is about.. or wait till you hear from the Dr.'s office.
24 days and counting

Dear Linda, First off CONGRATUALTIONS on your approval
Second of all I wondered the same thing about the dates cause mine is only good til March 31st and I was approved from Dec 1st....I called my dr and they told me that even if I don't have the surgery by that date they can still call to get an extension...I would call the dr and see what they tell you and I would call the number on the letter also....BE PERSISTANT!!!!! It will all work out