How about that snow, anyway?
I just went out an hour ago and shovelled a path for the mailman. I scraped it clean down to the pavement. Now the snowplow went by again and the driveway is plugged solid and there is about 4 more inches WHERE I JUST SHOVELLED! I am still waiting for my snowblower guy to call back and I can't go anywhere.. but it's sooooooooooooooo beautiful out. I guess I won't get mail today... *sigh* Just wanted to say hi.
It is so beautiful! I am loving it except that the kids are home. They are feeling closed in or something.
Sent them out but one came back in. The twins want to go out but they are getting their snowpants for xmas. I already wrapped them so they can wait!
We get mail no matter what, I do not think they would dare NOT deliver it. Hub works for the post office in Augusta and he goes in every night, so they can go out in the snow during the day to deliver it.
I am glad you are enjoying the snow, some people in your place would be complaining. Guess you are made for Maine.
Have fun!
yup that sounds right, not fair though. I remember when I was a kid, it was my chore to shovel out the door to the barn. Back then both the Dexter school bus and the Corinna school bus used our circular driveway to turn around. We had the privaledge to have the Dexter snow plow do our drive way sometimes 5 times a day if it was a bad storm. Yup, I shoveled 4 feet of snow 5 times a day. Yup, I hated it, but dad would say it's better than doing the entire driveway. Yup, not fair. Today my nephew plows me out. No animals in the barn but a few pheasants in the shed accross the driveway. Wade does a grand job plowing too. Right to the end of the steps.
Merry Christmas yahl! Ho, ho ho and all that winter gardening stuff. Can't wait to plant in the garden with my thinner body. Can't wait to be able to work in the sun without sweating, can't wait to be able to hike into a pond and go fishing in the sun. yup, can't wait for spring to arrive!!