I still do not have my Christmas shopping done! In fact I am taking off the afternoon today just to go get the majority of it completed. Where did the time go??? My son's birthday is next week and I have not even given it a second thought till last night when he brought it up.
We might take him out for chinese that night. I can eat some of it so it will be good.
I do not know about the rest of you, but buying for a 12 yr old boy and a 10 yr old girl is hard! It gets expensive. And the 2 yr old twins, that is not easy thing either. They have way to many toys to begin with. This will be the last year I can get away with buying them stuff like clothes more then toys.
And the last year to buy them less the their older siblings. Lucky me! NOT!
I have not gone out in the snow yet, guess today is the day. I refuse to wear boots though, I do NOT like boots. I really only wear them when there is slush or it is really snowing.
Anyway, I have rambled enough.
Not even sure why I told you all this other then I know you will feel all bad for me.

Hi Theresa,
I know how you feel. We will not get to start our shopping until this weekend due to the check coming in late this year.
We have two Children ages 21 & 18 UUGH now thats real hard to buy for. And then we have 8 grandkids and 1 great grand child. More UUUUGH's! lol
I am not in the holiday spirit yet, but I'm sure once we get the shopping done I should be well on my way. That is unless the shoppers make me grouchy!
Your new picture is awesome! I bet if we ran into each other I wouldn't even recognize you anymore. Isn't this great?!
Hope all is well with everyone and Happy Holidays to all!
Jennifer? how are you doing????? Haven't heard from you in awhile and always thinks about all my new special friends.
Love to All,