Greetings fellow Mainers...
Hi Georgine, I'm a bi-boarder too. I thought I recognized you from the Florida board. I have to agree with Theresa--Why would anyone want to move so far north?
I do agree though that it is beautiful and the people are nice. We used to have to go to Fort Kent for the state championship ski races with my kids and I really liked the people. They reminded me of my mother's family with the thick french accents. Glad to hear you are shovelled out! Congrats on your success!
Lynda ME/FL

Thanks, Linda. I recognize you from the FL board as well. I have wanted to be close to my family for years now, and we just had a good spot where my hubby is on a long term contract and works from home, and we were able to be mobile for a while. We bought a house in Caribou because the resale value is highest here between Caribou, PQI, and Limestone. We got a great deal on "Pill Hill" and love our neighbors. Probably we'll end up further south someday, but hopefully not too soon. I still participate on the FL board as well, just not as often. Thanks for the congrats on my weight loss - I am VERY PLEASED!
Welcome to Maine! I have lived here all my life and just love it. It must be in my genes. Congratulations on your success with you WLS so far. There wil be many more good things to come, certainly better than shoveling, lol. If you can make the drive to Bangor the meetings are at EMMC on the first Friday of the month 4-6pm. The second Wednesday 5-7pm. And the third Saturday 1-3pm. I think there are meetings at TAMC but I don't know much about them. Since I'm way down here in Old Town. If you ever need anything just write. I'm always here to blab.