Support Group Meeting
Hope lots of you are still planning to go to the Support Gruoup Meeting tomorrow in Bangor. This week was touch and go for me as my mother ended up in the hospital with blockage in the neck artery. There is a blood clot and cannot have surgery until that is dissolved. So she is home on a med that is suppose to do that. Then she will have surgery. (Hopefully in Bangor). I'm not crazy about Presque Isle doing surgery on her. Anyways, she is feeling ok for now, and I still plan to go.
I am sooo looking forward to meeting all of you.
It is very cold up here in the County. Woke up this morning to a whoppig 9 degrees!!!! Kids want to go out right now for the bus. They have 15 minutes before it gets here, and I told them NOOOOOOOO they weren't going out and stand in the cold for that long.
Anyways.. I know Jane is already gone to the hospital, but I wish her all the best. Wouldn't it be cool for her to show up at the meeting.. he he.
Take Care all.
ps. Lauren you can call me today for final planning if u want. I will call marie to see if she has decided yet. She does have some family things going on, but I will make sure to ask her.
Got to go... got my beautician coming to chop this hair off soon!! (It's nice to have family to come right to your house to cut your hair, as I don't do well getting out in the winter.) I probably never would have been able to get to this support group meeting if not for Lauren.. Thank You Girl!!!
Have a great day!!
Hub and I will be there. He usually works till noon and it takes us 2 hours to get there. We are supposed to go shopping before and after the meeting but if he doesn't have that much time before we might just go after. I hate not having much time. This is the first year I have not got my shopping done but this time. It is driving me crazy, I just do not know how I will do it.
I have been looking at my clothes and think I have a few to give away if people want them, but yanno, it is sort of hard parting with them. Why is that? They are way to big for me now, so why should I care?
I was pretty much forced to go buy a few new items when I saw a picture of just how bad I looked in the big ones. I had no idea I had lost THAT much. I still find it hard to believe I have because I do not feel like it. I have gone from a good fitting 26/28 to an 18/20 (stretch jeans) and ALMOST in a 14/16 shirt. I have a thing about shirts that are the least bit tight. I have this big ole butt that needs to be hidden and tighter shirts always make me feel like it is out there like a neon sign.
Well, enough of my ramblings, I really am looking forward to the support group. Should be a great time.