Nervous Nellie :angst:

As soon as I saw Dayna the first time she said to start taking the Flinstones (2) and Viativs (3) each day.
Adequate fluids are key, it doesn't have to be jus****er...broth, milk, Crystal Lite, juice etc are fluids too of course.
At the physical therapy appointment it was reccomeneded to start walking in small amounts or whatever I could handle to help with blood/oxygen flow.
If you get upset in the "before" time at the hospital they can give you a sedative (valium I think).
You will not want to wear your own clothing during the hospital go home bring a nightgown that buttons or a dress that i similar but not form fitting. You will not want to be pulling things over you head.
You will be asked to have blood drawn and they will let you know of any problems. I had HPylori and had to have treatment before wasn't a big deal but Dr Clough wants it to be treated alot of other surgeons don't.
You could call Dayna or Lynn...don't know what for.
Sorry if I seem short, I have to get dressed and go to the gym...
Good luck.
Hi Jane...wooooohooooo im so excited for you. I had the VBG surgery but would still like to share what i did to prepare for my first days back home.
First thing i did was get a cordless phone LOL...just knew it was going to be to much to get up and get it all the time. I raised up my bed alittle so it would be easier to get in and out of, made sure my blender was in working order for the puree'd foods, stocked up with plenty of water and stuff that was easy for me to make. Oh and got some liquid Tylenol (altho he gave me a script for pain...i didn't use it and didn't even need the Tylenol), and some Milk of Magnesia (i had a lil prob with that and doc told me to try that). Hope i helped some with your needs...I also got some protein shake mix and vitamins.
I wore some elastic waist pants and big shirt to come home in...then most of the time i was in my robe at home. At the hospital they had me in a johnny (gotta love those huh) and just wore my robe over it. Ohhhh and heres a hint that was somewhat helpful i got from someone who had the quite a large person still after loosing but i asked my surgeon to order me a big boy bed at the hospital...alittle bigger then a normal hospital bed and much easier to get in and out of.
Good Luck with everything might be rough at first but believe me is sooooooo worth it just remember it takes awhile to re-coop and don't rush whatever your doc tells you and you will do great.
Take care
I took lose capri pants and a big ole shirt to the hospital with me. I did take a couple pairs of panties with me because I had heard many started their periods in the hospital after surgery. I was VERY glad I took them.
I also took a card phone with me so I could make all the calls I wanted without worrying about a bill.
They offered me something to relax but it wasnt all that relaxing, I asked for more.
THEN I relaxed.
Everyone at the hospital was fantastic, you are going to be in WONDERFUL hands!!
Good luck!