I meet with the doc on Monday
Hey dudes and dudeses
I meet with Dr. Clough on Monday afternoon. I have Maine care and understand my surgery should be 30 days later soooo
Yes I'm looking forward to being on the loosing side. I have taken off 13 pounds on my own.
I have concerns like shoveling snow and walking outside so I plan to get a memebership to a local gym to be able to walk inside. I want to get a good jump on this so I can be fit for summer fun. Just think, I'll be able to be in the sun and heat without feeling like I'm melting.
No more diabetes meds or insulin. No more diabetes side affects. I know of so many folks that have lost toes, a leg or have poor eyesight from Diabetes. There are times now that my feet hurt and my hands and fingers go numb but when my sugar is normal I am fine. Can't wait, Praise Jesus!! 

To those of you that are in touch with God, I cherish your prayers. I ask Jesus for a safe recovery and good healing.
I do live alone in a big house so if any of you know of someone that could come and stay with me for a while I'd appresciate it.
I don't smoke or drink, I have one pet cat and 3 wild ones that come and beg for food. I have 3 roosters that are very nice and don't chase people.
well gotta go

How exciting, Ron! Congratulations on the forward progress on your journey and on your 13 pounds! I'm having my psychological exam on Tuesday. Although there are enough member of the family who will gladly speak to my insanity, I guess it will be professionally certified after Tuesday! LOL
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Hi Ron,
Good luck with your appt. with Dr. Clough. I meet with him the following Monday, and am so looking forward to it. I would love to be able to have Surgery before the first of the year, but am sure it will be in Jan or Feb. I have Mainecare as well, so maybe if the approval goes quick we can get in sooner. I am so looking forward to losing. I don't have diabetes, but do have HBP, and sleep apnea, along with aching joints. I have 2 daughters, and look forward to being around for them.
Take care,

Dr. Clough is wonderful. I left my consult feeling very confident in him doing my surgery. I have mainecare as a secondary insurance and they approved me without a hitch. but my primary will pay and if there are unpaid balances, mainecare will pick it up. (or at least that is how I understood it). My surgery date is Jan 2. I am so excited. And the upside is.. I get one more Thanksgiving feast!!!!!LOLOL OH and a friend of mine with mainecare got approved in 3 days (she called and they told her)
Take Care

Everything went well today, as to be expected. I did learn two things that I didn't know. Dr. Clough said that he has been a fly tyer since he was 15, just like me!!
I have an upper denture and 7 bottom teeth. I asked him if I should have them pulled and a new plate made before or after the operation. He said that if I had it done before then I would have to have another set made because my jaws will change after the surgery. I had no idea. I know the feet shrink and many forlks loose a bit in hight, but it seems everything will change. We really do get an all new body. Hey it's just like going to heaven.
He asked what I thought of the program and support meetings. I told him that I thought they were an excellent help. It gives us a chance to prepare for the future and a better understanding of what we will have to deal with for lifestyle changes.
Before I left I asked him where are the fish biting this time of year. He replied, "I don't know but in a month I will be in Florida fishing for Tarpon."
So if I don't hear back in a couple of weeks about a date, I'll call and ask when he will be back from his fishing trip.
After I left I was asked to give "the Dr. Clough special" at the lab. The girls know exactly what to draw for blood. The lady that drew my blood said that she is thinking about having the surgery.
After going to so many support group meetings, I had most of my questions all answered. I asked him about my gall bladder scar and what I had heard from one who she had a hard time healing in the area that that crossed the scar. He said that he has done MANY with scar tissue and it wouldn't keep me from having the surgery. I knew that it wouldn't, it's just a concern. I just am praying for a good safe healing. I don't want to go through what Tom went through.
A note to Linda about an all male household. Funny girl, ha, ha. The wild kitties are female, that's why we have 3. I do have a pair, yes, male and female silver pheasants in the barn. The roosters did have a girlfriend this summer but a fox wanted her for supper. That was alright because she was too old to lay eggs. Next spring I plan on getting 6 to 10 hens for the 3 roosters to start new families with. I just love to have baby chicks with their mommies running around. The neighborhood kids come by to watch and play with them too.
Dr. Clough asked my reasons for getting the surgery done. I replied, to get rid of my diabetes and the weight so I can go fishing where I want and be healthy again.
You'll have a good day when you visit him. Take care and God Bless.