Been to the ER today and having surgery on tuesday
I'm having surgery on Tuesday for my carpal tunnel in my left hand. I will be out of work for 3 weeks recovering from it.
I saw Dayna the dietitian on the 4th. She said my weight loss so far was good. but if I didn't get exercising more I would only loss another 45 pounds. I did loss 7 pounds of mussel since last time I saw her. I really thought I had gained the mussel and not lost it. She also started me on B12 now.
Since I saw Dayna I have been trying to do something every night for exercise. Last night I went for a walk and coming back my left foot started hurting. As the night went on my foot was still hurting. This morning when I got out of bed I could barely walk on it.
I went to the ER today and I some how while I was walking sprained my foot so I'm on crutches for a few days and hopefully I will be better by Tuesday. There is no way I will be using crutches after having surgery for my carpal tunnel.
It seems like every time I really start to get myself more into exercise I do something to hurt myself so I get back out of the groove of exercising while I'm healing and have to get myself back into to it again.
I really hope my foot is better by next Friday, my sister and I are going to Canada Christmas shopping
Hi Jennifer, I'm sorry to hear about your injuries
, but, I wish you the best on your surgery
. I think when you do your walking, you may want to just take it slow and easy until you get used to it again. It sounds like you may be pushing yourself too hard.
You will do just fine if you take your time. Here is what I do to help with the "gentle" exercise.
I use little 1 pound weights while watching TV, and I do arm lifts. They weights are just right, no stress to the bones, muscles, tendons, etc. I filled up 2 dish towels with dried beans (about 2 lbs each) and sewed velcro to the ends, and I use them around my ankles and I do sets of leg lifts, after doing arm lifts. My legs are stronger for walking now.
Take care, and as always, my best wishes to you,