First Appt. I am so scared
Hello, I haven't been on in a while. I am going for my first appt. tommor at Casco Bay Surgery. I will see the psycologist and dietician. I am not scared of the appts. I have been through all of this already and got denied once. Now, that it is so close and I can see my life starting to take that turn around the bend, I am so scared that they are going to deny again. I hope not. Keep your fingers crossed for me please!
Dear Sam,
Having been there, and done that, I want to tell you to
hang in there and take it one day at a time. Do not be afraid of what hasn't even happened yet.
You are working with Dr. Cobean this time around. He is the 'magic man' when it comes to CIGNA (IMNSHO!). You know already; you are in my prayers. Keep your chin up girlie - these days are numbered - soon you too will be a LOSER