fast looser
I went to the support meeting in Bangor last night. I couldn't believe my ears when a man said that he had lost 180 pounds in just 7 months!. I don't think we are to share the names of these folks, so I hope I didn't break the rules when I said MAN. There are very few men that have this done. I know now I am looking forward to it more after seeing what my friend from Corinna has been through. Looks fine to me. I understand not everyone has it easy. I'd say most folks have troubles somewhere along their journy. But I do know that most of us had many problems getting to the point that we are at now.
We went through many hours of name calling at school. People moleseted us. Families treated us like the family pig. "Give it to Ronnie, he'll clean it up". When I visited my friends, they gave their extras to the pig.
We have all been hurt and we ate to cover the hurt. Our mothers would give us something to eat when we were hurt saying, "Here eat this, it will make you feel better".
Food gave us something to dull the emotions. Food gave us someting to do with our time instead of taking to the one we love. We now need to talk, communicate our feelings to someone instead of eat.
Food gave us a high. Now we need to do someting, go somewhere, experience a new and exciting activity. Be daring try something new. Come out of our shell, see the new world that is waiting to embrace the new us.
We need to share with each other on this board someting that we did, that we never tried before. We need to encourage each other.
Wow Ron, the man you described IS indeed a fast looser.
Also your post was awesome. Felt like reading a speech that took you weeks to prepare. You put so much "to the point" things ina tiny nutshell. We do have to encourage one another and be here for each other. May your friend have a remarkable recovery!! There are days where I wouldn't know what would do without this board!! You all are truely an inspiration!!
Marie has her surgery in less then two weeks!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO!!!
God Bless...