Plastic Surgery after Weightloss surgery

Ami C.
on 7/7/03 2:09 am - Waterville, ME
Hi everyone. Wanted to post and let all the recent post ops know they are doing so great and let any pre-ops know that I read the board daily and dont post much anymore but always answer questions at my e-mail which is in the patient directory. I had my surgery 16 months ago and have lost almost 150lbs so far! I am happy to have this tool for weight loss and would say go for it to those who are apprehensive, just be sure you know as much as possible cause I do believe that knowing all the info helps you through this journey and dont be afraid to ask questions! As far as me, I am in the process of looking for surgeons for plastic surgery for the loose skin, if anyone out here has any suggestions as to who they used I would appreciate it alot. The one I was oringinally going to go to doesn't accept my insurance. I am very scared about getting more surgery, although the skin removal is to make you more comfortable I am being vane about how it will end up looking! I must be crazy! I have been on/off depressed about the loose skin for sometime, I have 20 more lbs to lose and I almost wanna keep it so I dont get any baggier, well if anyone out there has suggestions as to who they used I would appreciate an e-mail, or anyone who may even have some skin issues , tips?? Sounds stupid but I go from FAT, to what I call a smaller sized baggy elephant, I feel better health wise 100% and am so thankful for that BUT I am so sad as to how I look , especially naked. Would I rather be fat? NO, BUT sometimes people dont realize that under these clothes lies many many wrinkles!! UGH.....sorry to be a downer on that note but I am just looking to find some more people who are inthe same boat...... =0) Ami
Jo Ann B.
on 7/9/03 2:00 am - South Berwick, ME
Hi Ami! Thanks for your offer to answer questions for pre and post-op's : ) Thanks also for speaking so openly and honestly about your feelings regarding your new and improved body. Sometimes pre-op's get caught up in the fairy tale of post-op life, thinking everything will be all better after surgery. Weight loss sure does improve a number of physical ailments, but saggy baggy skin is often a reality of post life, too. Thank God we don't live in a nudist society; luckily, we have our clothes to hide and tuck those unsightly parts into! LOL! Thanks again for your honesty, I didn't feel you were a downer - you were just pointing out fact and I appreciate it! I am a pre-op patient of Dr. Cobean's in Portland, and at May's support group meeting, Dr. John Attwood, from Plastic and Hand, South Portland, was scheduled to come in and talk about plastic surgery after WLS and to answer questions. I do not personally know anyone that has used him, but I have the utmost faith in Dr. Cobean and his team. If they invited him to speak, I am sure he is an excellent surgeon! Good luck to you and congratulations on your success!
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