HI Jennifer...

Casey L.
on 7/3/03 1:03 am - Old Town, ME
Thanks and good luck to you also. This seems to be just the beginning of a long road to success. I have been sort of tired lately. Not sure if this is normal. Maybe my B vitamin levels are low or something? I know they have something to do with mood/energy. We went to the new Bog Boardwalk thing in Bangor/Orono yesterday. It is a nice walk. About a mile and a half total. (From the parking lot to the Boardwalk is .25 mile then the walk itself is about 1 then .25 back to the lot) There are some cool plants there to see and we even saw a wild rabbit as well as other wildlife. So we're going to do that everyday in the afternoon. Should be a good way to get my "light walking" in. I just tried on a pair of my jeans...they seemed to fit the same. Weird. I mean geesh I did lose 24lbs in the first two weeks...not sure what it's at now though. My 6 week appointment is at the end of the month so I'll find out then. I can fit my engagement ring on now...my wedding ring is snug but I couldn't even get it on halfway before. I guess I have blabbed long enough... ~Casey
on 7/3/03 2:54 am - Tx
I love reading what you write so dont worry about babbling. LOL Shout your trimuphs from the rooftops, we will be right there with you shouting congratulations!
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