I'm home and doing great too!!!

on 6/23/03 2:00 pm - Surry, ME
I got home today. I saw Cindy K a few times in the hospital and she was doing good. I also saw Melissa King in the hospital she had her surgery on the 19th. She was doing good when I saw her on the 20th. But she had over done it the day before by walking 28 loops in the hall way the day she had her surgery. Then friday night I think it was she had a scare with her sleep aphnea. So she was put back on oxygen and was still on it when I left the hospital today. She told me she might get out of the hospital today but didn't know for sure and when she did get out she would be going home on oxygen. Back to me Sunday I did 50 loops in the hospital which are equal to 2.5 miles. the nurses where teasing me adn asking me if I was pratcing for a merathon, or they where just shaking their heads and laughing as a went by them.
Jo Ann B.
on 6/25/03 4:44 am - South Berwick, ME
Yippee, Jennifer! I am thrilled to hear that you are doing so well post-op! Keep on truckin', you just might be training for a marathon - who knows - this journey begins a whole new life! : )
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