on 5/31/03 11:01 am - Surry, ME
I'VE BEEN APPROVED!!!!!!!! I received my approval letter in the mail today. So Monday I will be calling Dr. Clough's office to make sure they have received their copy and to see when I might be scheduled for surgery. I can't wait to go to work on Monday and let my co-workers know. Plus my co-worker who had her surgery 05/09/03 will be coming back to work.This has been a great day. I also was able to find a manual tread mill at a second had store for $10 and it works great.
(deactivated member)
on 5/31/03 5:20 pm - Fort Myers, FL
Congratulations Jennifer on your approval. Time will start to fly by now! Good Luck and look forward to hearing more updates.
on 5/31/03 5:29 pm - Tx
Yeah Yeah Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great knews Jennifer. I am soooo happy for you. I will be jealous if you go before me. LOL Would be my own fault though, since I postponed mine a month. As I understand it, you get a date for approximately 4 weeks after you get approval. It could be June or July. It is so exciting!!!!!
on 6/1/03 12:59 am - Surry, ME
I know my date will be july if not august. When I saw Dr. Clough they where already booking the dates for July. So if he hasn't filled all the dates yet, hopefully it will be july. If it is august then at least if it ever warms up i will have a longer time to swim, LOL.
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