Ooops, I goofed....
Incidentally, if anyone is interested, you can look up my Facebook page: New England Bariatric/Surgical Weight Loss Support Group
Have an excellent Sunday!!!
Congratulations on the running! So sorry to hear about your knee and the not so great experience on Friday night :(
I am a little over 2 months post op and have had a few complications, for instance my bowl movements are not as frequent as they should be and have to rely on Milk of Magnesia if I haven't gone by Day 3. My left side still has a poking sensation (by my ribs) every time I bend over, reach or am sitting down reach or bending, and can be very painful. My doctors have done CT Scans and X Rays and yet they could not find anything that would cause such a feeling. And my pouch, oh my precious pouch...I feel as though we are at war with each other, liquid foods we can handle...solid foods is a different story. For example: I made some marinated chicken breast and baked it in the oven for both lunch and dinner, for lunch my pouch will do well. Have the same thing for dinner and I am throwing up or at the very least gagging/ dry heaving. I pay attention to how small my bites are, and that I am always chewing to apple sauce consistency. This is an everyday occurrence, but I still press on, I haven't been doing too much exercising, but believe me in the 12 hours of my CNA job that I do 3 days a week my pedometer says that I walk approximately 7-10 miles each shift I work, not to mention the bending, the lifting, the pulling and pushing that I do!
I hope all is well with you! And keep in touch. I too am on Facebook but in order to keep my relationship with my family solid I have chosen not to tell them about my WLS. If you would like to add me just private message me and I will give you the address.