Stall in one area, Movement in another!

on 5/8/11 10:31 pm
Over the past three days, I've weighed myself daily (which is normal for me, I do weigh myself daily...I know there is a large school of thought that says you shouldn't, that it leads to discouragement, etc.)  Myself, I don't experience that, because I don't anticipate great movement from day to day.  But the last three days, the scale has been exactly the same all three days, to the tenth of a pound.  How's that for consistency?  *grin*  I'm okay with that, because I took a short break from going to the Y (to much to do this weekend, not enough time for everything).  Yes, I'm going today after work.  :-)

Anyway, I had an interesting experience on Friday where a manager at my employment took me aside, and jokingly, but half-seriously, told me it was time to do some clothes-shopping, because my shirts and pants were to baggy for me now.

Well how 'bout that?  How cool is that?  Of course, that incites a little paranoia into me, because, I imagine like most large people, buying new clothes is something we kind of dread.  I haven't been able to buy pants in a brick-and-morter store for years.  I've had to mail-order them.  But the guy was right, it was time.  I had my wife take a couple pictures of me on Friday, and I sent them to a cousin in Arizona, who wrote back, "Yeah, it's time.  Your clothes are to baggy..."

So Saturday, after attending the surgical weight loss support group meeting in Rockland, my wife and I headed shopping.  We found five three new dress shirts and some new ties.  Clothes shopping stresses me out (see above-mentioned reasons), and by then, I was happy and excited to have found some new shirts, but I was done with shopping.  We went back Sunday, and found two more shirts and a nice pair of dress slacks...and some new underwear too.  All of it, purchased in a *gasp* STORE!!!  And none of it mail-order.  How cool was that?

I donated the shirt I wore Friday to Goodwill.  I had a sense of accomplishment last night as I ironed my new shirts, and this morning when I got dressed.  My wife told me I looked "hot."  (hahaha...)  The boss smiled this morning, and all is well.

It's the little things...

"Hello, my name is David, and I am a nutritional over-achiever..."

on 5/8/11 11:01 pm - Ellsworth, ME
 David that is so awesome.  I am so happy for you.  You will have to post your pics so we can see how handsome you are.  It is the little things (but not so little things) that really count the most.  It feels so great when people notice that you are working hard at changing your lifestyle.  Keep up the good work.

on 5/8/11 11:04 pm - Carmel, ME
I still hate clothes shopping lol...but at least buying clothes in a store makes it easier.  Congrats on your success so far, you both are doing a really great job! 

on 5/8/11 11:29 pm - Harpers Ferry, WV
 congratulations! nothing brings home success more than giving away clothes that are too big and having to get new ones. :)

 7/18/10: 211lbs, 10/16/10: 174 lbs, 1/21/11: 146 lbs, 4/20/11: 131 lbs. Insulin FREE since 7/2010, "normal" BMI since 12/2010. I'm 31, 5'5", happily married, with a fabulous 3 year old boy, and hope to add to our family in the near future       

on 5/10/11 2:20 am - Clifton, ME
RNY on 11/21/07 with
Wow  David that is great!!!  I truly understand. 

My  big wow moment was being able to buy blue jeans  that zipped up  and not in the plus sizes.

I  like shopping   again  maybe too much lol

take care


Kelly S.
on 5/10/11 5:54 am
That is awesome Dave (as I sit here in new pants I bought over the weekend).  I used to think name brands were so stupid.... Now I buy whatever I want even if is name brand, I realize now I just thought they were stupid because the only place I could shop was Lane Bryant.  By the way, you and your wife look like hot young couple already! 

20 pounds lost during two week pre-op diet.

on 5/10/11 6:11 am
Hi Kelly!

It was good to see you a few weeks ago, and both my wife and I missed you at yet another Surgical Weight Loss group meeting in Rockport on Saturday (We've really found it helpful to have a weekend meeting to's so hard to get to Bangor during the work week.)  

Maybe we'll see you at the next one?  We had quite a large gathering this past Saturday!

Have a great day!

"Hello, my name is David, and I am a nutritional over-achiever..."

on 5/10/11 9:02 am - Swanville, ME
My Dearest David --  You do look amazing and it is unbelievable how much more you can see the difference now that you are wearing clothes that actually fit your smaller shape!  Thank you for allowing me show you that you really could find some clothes in the store.  I know that took all that you had and I appreciate it.  I know you did it for me thinking I was a nut case!  You bought really nice clothes in a store and it wasn't even be black jeans and a black pullover shirt!  I heart you.
on 5/10/11 10:24 am
I -DO- think you're a nutcase!!!  

I did it for us.  ;-)  All the girls at work said you had excellent taste.  ;-)

I love you my sweet!!!  MWAH!!!

"Hello, my name is David, and I am a nutritional over-achiever..."

on 5/10/11 12:06 pm
Hey, you need to update your weight!  You've lost a bunch more since the last time you wrote!

"Hello, my name is David, and I am a nutritional over-achiever..."

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