Tomorrow is the day~
Tomorrow is the big day, the day I have been waiting for for 11 months. I will be arriving at EMMC tomorrow morning at 6:30am to prepare for my 8:15am surgery time with Dr. Toder. When I began this journey 11 months ago I was planning on a gastric bypass, it was not until I met with Dr. Toder in August that my mind was changed. Dr. Toder really pushed for me to consider a gastric sleeve, with a lot of research and talks I agreed....however Anthem disagreed. After spending close to 5 months battling Anthem and 3 full appeals I was finally granted approval!!! So now here it is, my big day. Tomorrow at 8:15am Dr. Michelle Toder will be doing a gastric sleeve procedure on me. I was not able to sleep last night as my mind is both excited but also nervous. I am nervous about the pain, the procedure and most of all being away from my babies (ages 5 and 7). I have spent many hours researching, talking and thinking and know this is the best decision and this is a tool I need. Please keep me in your thoughts/prayers as I gear up for my big day. Thanks, Sasha">">>

Good luck, you are in great hands with Dr. Toder. I had my gastric bypass last Monday and she was my surgeon. I too have younger kids and missed them terribly but I called them every night that I was gone. I might have been a bit out of it but I still called them. LOL I was in the hospital for 2 nights. Walking is the key to getting home sooner. LOL I walked my butt off to get home. I am not going to lie and say it has been a piece of cake but you will get thru it. LOL Just keep on the nurses to keep on top of your pain. Every day it gets better. Hopefully you will have a good support system when you get home. This will be your schedule, rest, sip,bathroom, walk and repeat. LOL You basically have this for your first week. Towards the end of that first week you can do a few more things. Good luck.