the new job!!!!!
I applied several weeks ago for a position in my building, different department. It would be a promotion.
Last week I went through a roller-coaster ride of emotions.
Tuesday- I called human resources. What happened to my application? I haven't heard anything. Answer- you didn't qualify. You will receive a letter in the mail.

Wednesday- I receive an e-mail to meet with that department's director. I thought it was about some computer work we have been doing. NO! She tells me the case managers will be contacting me for an interview. One of the managers offers an interview in 1/2 hour, or one on Thursday morning. I take the Thursday. My heart is racing. I can't believe this........

Thursday- I interview at 8:30 AM. At about 1PM I am offered the job. I shriek, jump up and down, hug the manager. I accept!!!!! The whole staff is waiting outside the meeting room. They already have been told that I am the one they are going to offer the job to, clapping, words of encouragement, hugs again. ( I have known all these people for the 8 years on my side of the building).

This is unbelievable. They know me, know my work, questioned HR about me "not being qualified" and really advocated for me! I believe it was divine intervention
I start the new job Monday Aug 2
Doing the happy dance

Last week I went through a roller-coaster ride of emotions.
Tuesday- I called human resources. What happened to my application? I haven't heard anything. Answer- you didn't qualify. You will receive a letter in the mail.

Wednesday- I receive an e-mail to meet with that department's director. I thought it was about some computer work we have been doing. NO! She tells me the case managers will be contacting me for an interview. One of the managers offers an interview in 1/2 hour, or one on Thursday morning. I take the Thursday. My heart is racing. I can't believe this........

Thursday- I interview at 8:30 AM. At about 1PM I am offered the job. I shriek, jump up and down, hug the manager. I accept!!!!! The whole staff is waiting outside the meeting room. They already have been told that I am the one they are going to offer the job to, clapping, words of encouragement, hugs again. ( I have known all these people for the 8 years on my side of the building).

This is unbelievable. They know me, know my work, questioned HR about me "not being qualified" and really advocated for me! I believe it was divine intervention

I start the new job Monday Aug 2
Doing the happy dance

Emily SW 320, Pre Surg 271.3, Lowest 189.8 Current 212.9 GW -155-188
Continuing the weight loss journey 10 pound goals at a time. June 2011
My last job was employee benefits, health, dental insurance.
My new job will be with Workers Comp- benefits, approving medical payments.
Emily SW 320, Pre Surg 271.3, Lowest 189.8 Current 212.9 GW -155-188
Continuing the weight loss journey 10 pound goals at a time. June 2011