Dietician appointment
Hi Heather,I went to this and it's not that bad. I don't know which nutritionist is going to do the class, but hopefully it's Corinne. She is the bomb!! It takes 3 hours because they go over EVERYTHING you will need to know (nutrition wise) for life after surgery!! Make sure you bring a notebook to take notes, it is A LOT of information, You are going to feel VERY overwhelmed after the class, but give it a few days and it's not so bad when you think of it. You will see what I mean when you go. You will be in a class with other people, so you won't be the only one. You will get a folder with a bunch of stuff in it that they will go over with you while your there. Bring a calculator with you. They will offer you one but I just brought my own. You should also bring someone with you that can help you take notes or ask questions that you might forget. Write down any questions that you might have ahead of time, before you go. So you can ask when you are there. Ok I think I covered everything so if you have any questions just send me a message and I'll get right back to you. Remember I just went threw everything that your going to be going threw, with the same staff. So feel free to ask!! Take care

Thank you so much for the reply! I would not have thout to bring a notebook, calculator, and one mentioned it to me, so I wasn't sure what this appt. would be all about! Thank you also, for being so open and willing to share your experience! I really appreciate it!!!! I'm sure I'll be in touch with more night!
It's been a few years since I went through the program, but what Ethansmommy said sounds about right! Just be prepared to take notes and ask questions! It's overwhelming but just take it 1 step at a time! Good luck! (I'd LOVE to go back and do the class again, just to see what's changed! Yup...I'm a glutton for punishment! Believe it or not.........I STILL go to the support groups too!! haha)
Ok, went to the dietician was very informative and Ashley was very nice. I started my logging of everything today...thought about putting it off, but decied to start instead. I go back to see them in just over 2 weeks and will take my log with me for them to go over. Learned some helpful stuff there. The logging is going to be a royal pain, but I am doing it online to make it more interesting, and will print it off to take with me. So now, everything that passes my lips will go into the log. Wish me luck! I'm gonna need it! =)