I am a little over 2 weeks post-op and I just got cleared to eat pureed foods. So today I thought I would have some organic apple sauce with a dash of cinnamon.(Just cinnamon)No sugar added!! Big mistake.... I have been dumping ever since!! I have the worst stomache cramps and(t.m.i) you know what happens after that! I havn't felt nausiated or had any urdge to throw up, so that's good I guess. So needless to say, I won't be eating that again!! Is there anything I can do to aliviate the stomach cramps?? Thanks

Thanks!! I didn't do it on purpose that's for sure! I bought it cause my nut. told me to get it. I guess i'm just super sensative to the sugars. I was just surprised cause I bought the no suger added but I guess it had enough in it to bother me!! Atleast I know now that I dump, so I won't be tempted to cheat. So I guess it's a good thing!!
see im lucky and unlucky , im like one of those people that can eat any sweets for sure , no surgar from fruits hurt me i live on bananas and peanut butter like everyday , i eat cookies from time too time so nothing hurts me unless beef or chicken , but i do it in moderation these days so it works for me , but as far as dumping what i remember somedays i could eat and somedays i could not eat , so what is fine today might not be fine tommorow