Day 6
Well it's day 6, I am down 5 lbs from surgery day but still feel very bloated so not much thinner. I've been doing well, went out in the world with dh yesterday and it was good to be among the living but I was wiped when I got home. I'm struggling with getting all my protein in and all my water. I've been sipping along but the pouch gets full and doesn't want more. I keep at it though. Popsicles are my friend :-) My incisions are itchy and I'm ready to get back to my life. Dh had to work today so I'm it, I've been up since 5:45 with my son but he goes with his community worker in about 1/2 hour so then my daughter and I can hang out and do a few errands. (my son has autism). My house is quite a disaster area so that'll need to be addressed at some point, I'm trying not to overdo though. I go back to work on Wed. which should be fine. I'm just anxious to get on with life and having more energy and feeling good so I can exercise!
All in all I'm doing well.
All in all I'm doing well.
I've been doing several diff. protein shakes. I have some New Lifestyle ones left over from a previous liquid diet attempt and those I like a lot. They do have more carbs than is recommended 7 but they go down easy, have 14 grams of protein and only 100 calories so the nutritionist wasn't concerned, especially for the beginning. I also have tried some unjury with milk which was ok but not delicious. I have tried about 100 different premixed kinds, both samples and some my dh bought (he's 5 yrs out from RNY and trying to "behave" again with me) and I hate them all. I tried some isopure grape this morning and it tasted ok but I only got about half down and it's sitting like a rock for the past 3 hours, not sure why. I feel very bloated today and bought some gas x strips, I feel like I'd feel a lot better if I could let out a huge burp! Very tired from my errands with my daughter but now I'm home and can relax. I can't take any pain meds till dh gets home but if I sit or lay down it's ok. All in all I'm still doing well, it's hard for me to sit still.
It took awhile for it to show at all on me, probably 4-6 weeks. Then it doesn't feel like it changes as rapidly after that. I am 3.5 months out. I started bigger though, so it may just take longer to show because of my starting size.
I have a son with autism too -- Asperger's specifically, while that is still a diagnosis.
I have a son with autism too -- Asperger's specifically, while that is still a diagnosis.

♪ ♫ ♪ lost 75 pre-op, surgery 1/20/10, 125+ since RNY, 200+ pounds off ♪ ♫ ♪