gallbladder coming out jan.13- everyone pray for me and baby over the next few weeks
I am getting my gallbladdder out on Jan. 13th. I will stay overnight and be monitored in Labor and Delivery getting the heartrate checked every hour and having an ultrasound prior to leaving the hospital.
I decided to go with my doctor here in Augusta because I trust him, Dr. Trieu rather than Dr. Cobean.
The surgery will be done lap. and he is consulting with my OB to make sure what needs to be done during the surgery to make sure baby is safe....I do trust my surgeon and he made me feel okay about the surgery (even though I cried and told him if something happened to my baby I'd be so upset with him)....this baby is my world, so I just worry about it. The doctor says it would not be safe to leave it in thats why is must come out now.
On another note- we find out the sex next Wednesday on 12/23, so excited!!!!! Early Christmas gift for the family!
<3 Melissa
I decided to go with my doctor here in Augusta because I trust him, Dr. Trieu rather than Dr. Cobean.
The surgery will be done lap. and he is consulting with my OB to make sure what needs to be done during the surgery to make sure baby is safe....I do trust my surgeon and he made me feel okay about the surgery (even though I cried and told him if something happened to my baby I'd be so upset with him)....this baby is my world, so I just worry about it. The doctor says it would not be safe to leave it in thats why is must come out now.
On another note- we find out the sex next Wednesday on 12/23, so excited!!!!! Early Christmas gift for the family!
<3 Melissa
Baby girl Morgan born 5/28/10, 2 weeks before my 1 year surgiversary. Angel concieved 09/10, lost 10/13/10, was due in June 2011. Baby #2 (our rainbow) on their way, due 7/27/11- Miley Victoria or Maddox Michael

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