Busy day
I had a busy day with the kiddos. They had a children's activity at the Farnsworth Museum this morning. We then went ice skating. It was great to fit into the skates this year!!!! and it was so much easier to actually be able to sit and put them on. We had a great time. Then we went off to see Planet 51 which was very cute. We finished off the day with the parade of lights parade. I nearly froze my butt off. Did fairly well eating wise. Not sure if dinner is sitting well...we shall see. I need to go to Augusta tomorrow. I got up for the 3 am opening at Old Navy on Black Friday and bought 11 sweaters!!!!! I was so excited as they were only 15 dollars each. I went to wear one and discovered everyone was made with angora which I am highly allergic to so I now need to take them all back. I am really bumming because now I am cold!!!!
Weight includes 21 Pounds lost on 2 Week Pre-op Diet
Sounds like a good day to wear out kids! I bet you all slept well. Sorry about your sweaters. I was telling Ruth earlier that I am getting a new coat for DH for Xmas, but Melting Mama bought me one too. She made me cry. But I have to admit, I can't wait until it gets here, I'm FREEZING. And the one DH bought me is just for weekends, not work.
I am going out of town Xmas shopping this weekend. But I will definately be there in January. I have surgery next Wed, the 9th and then I'm out of work for 3-6 weeks. Well, on the RNY board someone posted what would be your ideal christmas gift and I said a nice, warm coat because I don't have one and it's cold. So she asked me what size and I said XL (thinking she was maybe gonna send me one of her old coats that was too big) then she asked me to email her my address, so I did and asked if I could pay the shipping. She then sent me an email with the order confirmation. It was so sweet it made me cry.