Post-Op surgeon's appt.
I see Dr. Cobean for my first visit since my surgery. Its a little later than the 6 week follow-up due to scheduling difficulties. I am kinda nervous. I have done well with weight loss, however, there is the topic of stomach aches to discuss with him. I am not sure what will come of it. I had a doozy of a stomach ache two days ago. I cannot imagine what the problem is. They are not a daily occurence so it may not be anything. I guess I will find out soon enough.
Well the doctor told me to keep an eye on the stomach aches and to call if needed. He also told me to kick my boyfriend out of the house when he is smoking because the second hand smoke could cause me to get an ulcer. I found that to be incredible but I will do as he advises. He was pleased with my weight loss so far. I wont be seeing him anymore. I do have an appoiintment on the 20th with the Nut.