what you doing/eating today?
well good morning eveyone. My plans are up in the air today. Kinda frustrating cause I like being organized and know what's going on. My DH is gone golfing down south in Burwick, wont be home till later. My DD was suppose to come over today with her DH and his DD. I'm suppose to bring MLM to his parents but was hoping to do it on Sunday instead and go to the movies with DD's step DD. and meanwhile mlm could visit his parents, NO ONE has called I dont know what is going on. I can't even go for a walk today, cause MLM can't be left home alone. OIY do I make them a lunch? dont even know if they will be here, and when. ANYway, here are the plans I do know.
B: Coffee & white egg on ww flat bread sandwich
L: winter veg soup
S: Jello Berry surprise
D; Winter veg soup or chilli
Dinner: Turkey chunky veg chilli
DH bought himself some candy yesterday, for Halloween! Luckily, I don't care for it too much! haha!
Not sure about the eats today...........depends on what we end up doing!
B: 2 c ff milk
S: carbquik chocolate chip cookie! maybe a protein brownie if I have room
L: ??
D: ??
Kinda up in the air!
Have a great weekend and safe Halloween everyone!!!!!! (Cheryl..........enjoy your day with your DGD!!!)
B: coffee
skim milk
S: wake up wrap on the road
L: forgot
S: ?
D: ?
Oh well, I did get some salsa made, the carrots pulled up and washed and all of it canned. And been to Waterville and back and it's only 1:15. Guess I should go find something to eat....

B: Strawberry Chobani w/granola
S: Click shake w/peppermint mocha creamer
L: Lean Cuisine quesadilla
S: Multigrain chips w/Tzatziki dip
D: don't know yet
S: Cheddar cheese
Have a good Halloween everyone!