heard the heart beat
So, I had my ultrasound today....we were given our due date of June 14th 2009.
We heard the heart beat, it was music to my ears! I am so in love with this little bean!...the heart beat was 122!
Baby girl Morgan born 5/28/10, 2 weeks before my 1 year surgiversary. Angel concieved 09/10, lost 10/13/10, was due in June 2011. Baby #2 (our rainbow) on their way, due 7/27/11- Miley Victoria or Maddox Michael

Make a pregnancy ticker

Make a pregnancy ticker
What wonderful news. You could be celebrating your 1 year surgi-versary with a new baby bean sprout!
Emily SW 320, Pre Surg 271.3, Lowest 189.8 Current 212.9 GW -155-188
Continuing the weight loss journey 10 pound goals at a time. June 2011