Not the best day in my life........ (kinda long and whiny...sorry)
So the title of this post kinda sums it up!
Found out first thing this morning that my friend's mom is in the hospital with a non-operable aortic aneurysm and may only have a few hours to days of life left...........Feeling kinda sad and helpless for my friend.
AND.......I've had progressively worsening left abdominal pain (yup, the same pain I've had for about 3-4 months). It's just gotten worse and more constant over the past 3-4days. So, I called my PCP's office, just to let them know and the triage nurse made an appt for me to come in and see my PCP. PCP sent me for an abdominal xray, which, of course, was negative for anything. She did her exam and still thinks I have scar tissue or adhesions giving me the pain. She also asked me when I was seeing the surgeon. I am scheduled for next Tuesday, so she asked me to call the office and see if I could be seen earlier (honestly, I don't know why I even went to see my PCP or why I called the surgeon, as I know there's not much else they can test or check at this point). Anyways, I called the surgeon and told the receptionist that my PCP wanted me to call and she got the surgeon on the phone. (I wasn't expecting that!) He said that he could see me today but his plan for Tuesday was to make that kinda a "pre-op/discuss our options" kinda visit. He's thinking I MAY (not absolutely sure) have to have exploratory lap surgery to see what's going on in there since all the other testing has come back negative. So, I'll see him on Tuesday and I'm to go to ER and let his office know if things get worse before then. (He did offer to see me earlier, but I just didn't see the point....I'm not dying over here and I've dealt with the pain for this long, so, no biggie.)
Here's the TMI part (close your eyes or quit reading if you don't wanna know! haha) I've also been kinda constipated (less volume, less frequency, and more difficult....I KNOW, I KNOW, TMI..........but where else can I share this info, right???) Anyways, we discussed all this and what I am currently taking to help me go and he suggested I try some Mag citrate to kinda try to "clean me out". That stuff is nasty, but, I figured, I need to be cleaned out, maybe it will help me feel better!! Bought some ....uhem.............cherry flavored mag citrate.......NOT good! BAD! BAD! BAD! taste!!!!!!!! YUCK!!!!!! Drank the stuff! EEWWW
AND...........believe it or not, dumped on the stuff!!!!!!! Shaky, hot flashes, pain in my stomach and abdomen, felt like I was gonna pass out!!!!!!!! After about half an hour of being doubled over in pain on the bed, I finally
(first time in a VERY long time!!!!!!) Went back to bed for about another hour and finally started to feel better. Still no bm, but at least I got some food into me. So, now, here I sit.......low on protein for the day, trying to get some more water into me!
It has not been a good day! least it's over and I'm heading to bed now! Hope I can sleep!
Just wanted you to know that you can dump on the weirdest things! Anyone else ever dump on mag citrate? Hope you never have to take it, but if you careful!
Anyways.............thanks for letting me whine and rant for a while. I feel better now!
Hope everyone's Friday was better than mine!
Have a great weekend and enjoy the rain!!!
Found out first thing this morning that my friend's mom is in the hospital with a non-operable aortic aneurysm and may only have a few hours to days of life left...........Feeling kinda sad and helpless for my friend.
AND.......I've had progressively worsening left abdominal pain (yup, the same pain I've had for about 3-4 months). It's just gotten worse and more constant over the past 3-4days. So, I called my PCP's office, just to let them know and the triage nurse made an appt for me to come in and see my PCP. PCP sent me for an abdominal xray, which, of course, was negative for anything. She did her exam and still thinks I have scar tissue or adhesions giving me the pain. She also asked me when I was seeing the surgeon. I am scheduled for next Tuesday, so she asked me to call the office and see if I could be seen earlier (honestly, I don't know why I even went to see my PCP or why I called the surgeon, as I know there's not much else they can test or check at this point). Anyways, I called the surgeon and told the receptionist that my PCP wanted me to call and she got the surgeon on the phone. (I wasn't expecting that!) He said that he could see me today but his plan for Tuesday was to make that kinda a "pre-op/discuss our options" kinda visit. He's thinking I MAY (not absolutely sure) have to have exploratory lap surgery to see what's going on in there since all the other testing has come back negative. So, I'll see him on Tuesday and I'm to go to ER and let his office know if things get worse before then. (He did offer to see me earlier, but I just didn't see the point....I'm not dying over here and I've dealt with the pain for this long, so, no biggie.)
Here's the TMI part (close your eyes or quit reading if you don't wanna know! haha) I've also been kinda constipated (less volume, less frequency, and more difficult....I KNOW, I KNOW, TMI..........but where else can I share this info, right???) Anyways, we discussed all this and what I am currently taking to help me go and he suggested I try some Mag citrate to kinda try to "clean me out". That stuff is nasty, but, I figured, I need to be cleaned out, maybe it will help me feel better!! Bought some ....uhem.............cherry flavored mag citrate.......NOT good! BAD! BAD! BAD! taste!!!!!!!! YUCK!!!!!! Drank the stuff! EEWWW

It has not been a good day! least it's over and I'm heading to bed now! Hope I can sleep!
Just wanted you to know that you can dump on the weirdest things! Anyone else ever dump on mag citrate? Hope you never have to take it, but if you careful!
Anyways.............thanks for letting me whine and rant for a while. I feel better now!

Hope everyone's Friday was better than mine!
Have a great weekend and enjoy the rain!!!
Ruth- my heart goes out to you and your friend. I will keep you in my prayers.
Sure hope the docs figure out what's going on with you. It's the pits to not feel well and wonder what it is.
Sure hope the docs figure out what's going on with you. It's the pits to not feel well and wonder what it is.
Emily SW 320, Pre Surg 271.3, Lowest 189.8 Current 212.9 GW -155-188
Continuing the weight loss journey 10 pound goals at a time. June 2011
Ruth i'm sorry to hear about your friend. I know how hard a situation like that is. I just found out yesterday a friend of mine has to go for a kidney biopsy, she has a 30% chance is ok, but 70% its cancer. she is going to Boston. I feel so bad and don't know what to say or do for her. She had no symptoms but her dad died of kidney cancer and she was concerned so went for xrays and stuff. wow, what a good is VERY early, her younger brother also has a mass in his, anyway. about you, does the pain get worse when your constipated? maybe it is scar tissue causeing the "POOP" to move slow? anyway, I"VE ALWays had a rough time with my "POOP" so I take stool softners on a weekly basis, NOT THAT CRAP THO, EWWWW i usually take one every other day, it is just enough, not dangerous, i can still go out, it just helps things along. hope Dr. L can figure it out for you. and now, question I have, if you had scar tissue problem before and maybe now, will this keep happening every 2 years?? is there anything to help with that? well, good luck Ruth on Tues. he'll figure it out and help you feel better. HUGS, Cheryl