wow I am changing.
I started this weight loss journey in a size 28 pants. I went to my closet and purged all clothes that were to big for me and summer clothing that will be to big next summer. I had forgot about this one pair of jean s that I got at TJ MAX. when I got the jeans my mind believed i was a size 24 when really I was a 28. When I got home and tried to pull up the jeans I couldn't get them past my saddle bags. Of course i chalked it up to, The size must run small and I threw them in the back of the closet. well, when I was going threw my closet I found the jeans! I didn't dare try them on at first, i said to my self, don't get your hopes up to soon after surgery. I decided to ignore my mind and I tried them on. Guess what y'all they fit well. I have no idea how much I have lost since surgery but its going to be a nice surprise tomorrow. I will let you all know.