YOu might already know this
so I've been watchingt alot of u tube tapes today, and i'm almost possitive you all know this, but I didn't, that it is very commong for WLS patients to have Diverticulosis or lots of pain due to "Pooping" problems. due to not taking in enough FIber. anyway, I'M NOT TRYING TO BE NEGATIVE, AS SOME OF YOU THINK" I'M JUST TRYING TO SHARE AND HAVE MY FRIENDS avoid pain. It is important to take in fiber or be aware of this. I read that alot of you add flax seed to recipes "AWESOME"... sorry if you think I'm being negative.... just a FYI..
Thanks for the reminder. I struggle with the fiber at times and it IS a work in progress. I've had to have a colonoscopy to rule out diverticulosis recently (they're still trying to figure out what this pain in my side is being caused by). So, at least I know that I don't have diverticulosis, right? Fiber is our friend! (I don't think that's negative at all, btw!!)