Advice please..
Hi, everyone
I'm not sure if some of you remember my post about, my surgeon not doing WLS surgery anymore and was referring me to EMMC after I've been in his program for a year and a half. Which means I would have to start over their program which would take up to 6-8 months. To make a long story short I was denied 6 mo ago, because I didn't have enough 5 years history and a medical necessity letter along with a required 6 month diet. So he sent me away to do my 6 month diet. I just finished it up last week and called to make an appointment and his seccretary told me he's no longer doing surgeries and is finishing up his last patients this month. Well..I called the center director of the hospital and told her, everything and she told me that they didn't have my complete file and didn't realize that I had been an on going patient so she said she would give the ok for me to resubmit and have him do my surgery if he is still willing to. She said she would give me a call back next week because he was out of the office. So next week has come and gone 2 days ago I called and left a message with her secretary tuesday and she hasn't called me back. Should I keep calling or wait til Monday to call her back or should I just call /write my surgeon and ask him whats up? I'm confused need advice
I'm not sure if some of you remember my post about, my surgeon not doing WLS surgery anymore and was referring me to EMMC after I've been in his program for a year and a half. Which means I would have to start over their program which would take up to 6-8 months. To make a long story short I was denied 6 mo ago, because I didn't have enough 5 years history and a medical necessity letter along with a required 6 month diet. So he sent me away to do my 6 month diet. I just finished it up last week and called to make an appointment and his seccretary told me he's no longer doing surgeries and is finishing up his last patients this month. Well..I called the center director of the hospital and told her, everything and she told me that they didn't have my complete file and didn't realize that I had been an on going patient so she said she would give the ok for me to resubmit and have him do my surgery if he is still willing to. She said she would give me a call back next week because he was out of the office. So next week has come and gone 2 days ago I called and left a message with her secretary tuesday and she hasn't called me back. Should I keep calling or wait til Monday to call her back or should I just call /write my surgeon and ask him whats up? I'm confused need advice
Thank you all for your advice, I’m going to call Monday and see what is up. And keep calling every other day until I get an answer. I’m just afraid of bugging them but I have to keep reminding myself it’s my life. As for aftercare he would still be able to do that. He’s not leaving the practice they are just no longer offering the surgery. He's actually the vice president of the hospital, so I'm guessing he's busy with that so that's why he's getting done. I’m from Northern Maine anywhoo . Apart of me just wants call him, myself and not deal with the center director she seems always busy. I don’t know..Thanks again everyone!