Sending WLS Joy to Maine!!
Sailing through from Alabama to say HELLO to all of my WLS family!! I'm 61 months post op; over 100% of my excess body weight was lost by 18 months out and it stays off (I've even tried to regain a few pounds LOL). I started at 267 pounds and have weighed 116 for the past year or so. I think that is where I'll stay.
I'm now considering plastics...purely cosmetic, though. As for my PREop comorbidities, I had arthritis and highblood pressure. Both of which I still have although my weight is has definitely been eliminated as a factor in aggravating either. After WLS, I was put through MANY, MANY, MANY tests to deterimine why at around 130 pounds at that time, my blood pressure would not stay in check. Well, my chronic high blood pressure was found to be a congenital defect stemming from a steroid imbalance. Once they started to treat "steriod imbalance", my blood pressure readily cooperated. Point in saying all of that? Before WLS, only the physician who said I needed WLS to eliminated my weight as a factor so specialist wouldn't have it as a diagnosis crutch had suggested my blood pressure was something far deeper than typical diagnosis. Before her, every single physician I'd ever gone to said my blood pressures hovered around the 190/160 range because I was over weight. NO ONE looked for any other cause. NO ONE. So in summary, whatever they're telling you "if you loose weight your ____ will go away", sometimes they are trying to get you out of their office without doing real work.
Anyways, that's me in a nutshell!! ALL of my contact info is on my profile, please feel free to use it. NEW PICTURES and any other details are kept at my own website www.Ge Ma Ve (no spaces). I decided that I would spend a few days floating around OH (FOR A CHANGE) greeting family on OH - & WLS family will always be my family. There was a time when this site stayed open daily...I was always posting & responding and then I had WLS and within a year after that, I didn't need as much advice and I had no questions and...I just found other things to do once I was in a new body so over time my visits have come scarce. I am a ready & willing resource, though for anyone who needs one. Even so, I know once I close this browser, it will be months before I log back in so with that I ask that you please feel free to come by and say hi :)
Salt & Light

I live in the Black...officially out of the RED
Keep in touch! ma very