New Job!!!
I have exciting news and thought I'd share it with everyone. I've been tossing around ideas for employment, hoping to start filling out applications soon. In the past, I've been a manager for a Shaw's grocery store, and a Jr. High private school teacher. I haven't been working for the last 3 years, as I have had medical issues that left me undependable (my thyroid crashed, and caused a heap of other secondary problems, including a mega-fibromyalgia flare). I am now feeling better than I have in ages; it's as though the RNY "rebooted" my system.
I was visiting my brother and sister in law on Sunday, and she is going back to work on Monday, after having their first baby 3 months ago. I asked her how the daycare thing seemed to her, and she burst into tears. She explained that even though the daycare center seemed great, she was hating herself for having to leave him there, and would give anything to not have to go back to work. In the past, I'd offered to take their baby, when they had one, but my health since then has been "if-y". They know I've been feeling tons better, and I told her that if she was not comfortable with daycare, I could still take him. she said it was sweet of me to offer, but that she just needed to "get over" her guilt about daycare, and they'd probably be fine.
2 days later, she called, and asked me if I was serious about my offer. I told her I was , and we very happily made arrangements for me to have him full-time 3 workdays a week, one half-day, and Fridays & weekends off. How perfect; no nights, no weekends, I get to keep my nephew, AND GET PAID FOR IT?!?! I'd do it for free, if I could afford it, but they are paying me what they were going to pay the daycare, and Sherrie has been gushing about how much better she feels about me having him while she's working. So far, everyone's happy! And now I don't have to go pounding the pavement.
I was visiting my brother and sister in law on Sunday, and she is going back to work on Monday, after having their first baby 3 months ago. I asked her how the daycare thing seemed to her, and she burst into tears. She explained that even though the daycare center seemed great, she was hating herself for having to leave him there, and would give anything to not have to go back to work. In the past, I'd offered to take their baby, when they had one, but my health since then has been "if-y". They know I've been feeling tons better, and I told her that if she was not comfortable with daycare, I could still take him. she said it was sweet of me to offer, but that she just needed to "get over" her guilt about daycare, and they'd probably be fine.
2 days later, she called, and asked me if I was serious about my offer. I told her I was , and we very happily made arrangements for me to have him full-time 3 workdays a week, one half-day, and Fridays & weekends off. How perfect; no nights, no weekends, I get to keep my nephew, AND GET PAID FOR IT?!?! I'd do it for free, if I could afford it, but they are paying me what they were going to pay the daycare, and Sherrie has been gushing about how much better she feels about me having him while she's working. So far, everyone's happy! And now I don't have to go pounding the pavement.

Thanks for the well-wishes, everyone. My work week ends tomorrow, and things are going great. I will be filling out all of my employment paperwork and filing with the state, making it all legal tomorrow. Baby Jack is such a doll; he's a three-month-old who wants to have a set of running legs NOW. He hates laying down, he wants ACTION, so I have affectionately dubbed him part of my weight loss regimen. I'm walking about 2 miles a day (and that's just My arms are feeling the workout from picking him up, feeding him, etc. So everybody seems to be benefitting now. I'm down a few more pounds, which is always a good thing!