what was your last meal...
I start my liquids on Monday morning...and I am bering really good this last week maintaining my diet to prepare my body for the shock of a lifetime....but I am planning on eating out Sunday for my ";ast meal" but can't make my mind up. Where did you all go?
And if any of you are in the Augusta area, please tell me local spots!
I am so excited I can't wait...but my liquid diet falls on the week before and week during my period...Boo! I am gonig to be miserable, lol
And if any of you are in the Augusta area, please tell me local spots!
I am so excited I can't wait...but my liquid diet falls on the week before and week during my period...Boo! I am gonig to be miserable, lol
Baby girl Morgan born 5/28/10, 2 weeks before my 1 year surgiversary. Angel concieved 09/10, lost 10/13/10, was due in June 2011. Baby #2 (our rainbow) on their way, due 7/27/11- Miley Victoria or Maddox Michael

Make a pregnancy ticker

Make a pregnancy ticker
I've been on my liquid diet for almost two weeks now. it takes getting used to. I think I ate every little thing that i have always enjoyed. i don't know why we have it set in our minds that we will never be able to enjoy our favorites again. i think we can again but in alot smaller portions. good luck with your surgery. mine is this monday. yahoo I can't wait
I don't even remember. Don't look at it as your last meal, you'll have your favorite foods again, just not as much. just hang in there for a month or so. plus your favorite foods will change from what I hear. Mine never did, but I had the band. I still love the same foods, i only learned to eat Yogurt and like it.
I definitely did the "last meal" thing, thinking that I wouldn't be able to touch certain foods again. WELL...there are some foods I CHOOSE not to eat now, but I can tolerate ALMOST anything at this point.
ANYWAYS..........I had a huge Chinese buffet one night, thick crust pizza another day, and finished it off with a plate of fried seafood!! (The fried seafood I STILL can't eat and I choose not to eat the thick crust pizza now!) I HAVE done the chinese buffet since surgery but it sure wasn't worth the money! haha
Good luck with the liquids!!! It IS all worth it in the long run!!!!!!!!!
ANYWAYS..........I had a huge Chinese buffet one night, thick crust pizza another day, and finished it off with a plate of fried seafood!! (The fried seafood I STILL can't eat and I choose not to eat the thick crust pizza now!) I HAVE done the chinese buffet since surgery but it sure wasn't worth the money! haha
Good luck with the liquids!!! It IS all worth it in the long run!!!!!!!!!
My "official" last meal was a Subway BMT sandwich on Sunday night. My unofficial cholesterol raising meal was a fried scallop basket at Brownie's in Pittston the night before. MMMMmmmm so good. I did a lot of eating stuff the week or two before liquids started, some of it was wierd stuff like ramen noodles, hot dogs, etc. Not necessarily my fave things but just stuff I knew I wouldn't have again for a long time.
My "last" meal was a sirloin strip roast on the grill with all the fixins and about five martinis. But I cheated on my liquid diet so it wasn't officially my last meal. A week in I ate three pieces of pizaa, felt like crap for three hours (wasn't worth it) and the Monday before my surger we went to Chinese. But from then on I only had my liquids and still managed to drop almost twenty pounds. Good luck, you will be able to eat again ( I got the go ahead today and went to lunch, really don't care much about eating now, it's more of a chore.)
Good luck!
Good luck!
I had a fillet mignon on my grill, mashed potatoes, and asparagus, plus, had my whole family over for a dessert potluck. My sister in law brought over a homemade chocolate trifle that was to die for. My mother in law made homemade apple crisp, and my mom made cheesecake w/ strawberries on top. Man, did I PIG OUT!!! I think I ate until the clock officially hit midnight on the day when I was supposed to go on clear liquids. I never ate like that before; I remember feeling like a prisoner who was getting their last meal before the electric chair! As if I was never going to be able to eat again! lol...