Getting my life back....
I am done with school. I graduate on Saturday, YEAHHHH me!! MAYBE just MAYBE I can focus on myself for once... my aunt had a great idea. While I am waiting and trying to find a job she said that I should make a "I promise to love me" pack with myself and take care of me and what I WANT to do for a few weeks. Sounds good to me... very strange thought that I don't have any more homework to do... so sweet too!!
OHHHH and my aswem bf had my dress fixed up for me so I get to wear the one that I wanted, only cost $25 bucks and makes me look and feel GREAT! Going to be a good weekend!!
OHHHH and my aswem bf had my dress fixed up for me so I get to wear the one that I wanted, only cost $25 bucks and makes me look and feel GREAT! Going to be a good weekend!!