great few days
I got home from Boston today around 1:00, ran to walmart, picked up a fire permit, burnned all my spring clean up brush, made spag. sauce for the guys, unpacked, did 2 loads of wash. phew i'm pooped. update on new med.: working great, mucus = so much better. did have headache for 3 "WHOLE" days. might have been stopping the blood pressure med. I had a drink on wed. and thought my face was going to blow up. all red and blotched. hot flashes, band didnt' like it either. anyway, I guess this is a good thing. I didn't eat too much, was very careful and ate soups and chowdah. We had a great time, even in the rain. as you can see in picture below. hope you all had a great week. I tried checking in but Hotel Internet was soooo slow.