One year ago....with pics.
One year ago today I was sitting in a hospital bed recovering from what would be the best thing that ever happened to me ( besides the obvious, Husband & daughter).
One year ago today I was beginning the wildest journey of my life.
One year ago today I had no idea what I was in for.
One year ago today I was a chubby mommy.
May 9, 2008 I made the decision to have Gastric Bypass surgery and it was the best decision of my life!
Today, May 10, 2009, Mother's day I am a different person. I have a whole different outlook on life. I feel in some ways, because of what I've learned, that I'm a better Wife, Mom, Daughter, Sister, friend.
I joined OH looking to have some questions answered and found a whole lot more. I found a community of friends who have supported, prayed, laughed and cried with me. I love you all, and celebrate this new life with you.
But ABOVE ALL, I thank the Lord Jesus for guiding me through the ups and downs. For holding my hand and carrying me through the times I felt overwhelmed.
For those *****ad this and are considering weight loss surgery, weigh it out carefully and if it's right for you, I wish you all the joy that this new life has brought me.
I weighed 134 lbs. today, that is a total weight loss of 113 lbs. from my heaviest.
God Bless
Much Love, Keela