please don't be one of those
I hope not to get flamed for this, but again, i'm trying to help you. I always try and look at some before and after pictures when I log on to OH. and find myself cringing (sp) sometimes. Wow, I have to say some actrually look better before their weight loss. So many of us need a little help in the styling department. So many of us talk about Plastics, so many of us, its not an option. But, for those of us who are not considering it, here is a little suggestion to make you be the best you can be, apprearance wise. ASK a friend, ASK a co worker or family member who always looks like they have it together. nice outfits, even those who are Obeste sometimes have the style going on. YOU KNOW, YOU SEE THEM. Ask them for a day out, shopping, lunch get some help to finish off the LOOK you've worked so hard for. It is like the frosting on the cake. Please remember many of you had wls for vanity reasons, not just for health. So get up and finish up your journey with a bang. New hair style, color. Make it a "new me day". have fun. Start with one outfit and a little knowledge of what looks good on you, how to better cover up the tummy, get a good bra. Good Luck to all of you, and remember to update your pictures, we love to see the progress.
I love to shop.....clothes, shoes, boots, nighties, matching bras and underwear, oh I forgot.....SNEAKERS!! I find now that I fit into the clothes, I must have everything that goes with all I need is the skin removed.....I m working on that one!!!!
Surgery Day 374/Current 216/Goal 153