Oh i can tell I am in for a long haul to a complete recovery. I feel so yucky. Can't exlain it. My ears are ringing non stop. Nausea. Weak in general. I tried to do some light house work today. Just a few dishes and I thought sitting in a chair to do them would help. Wrong. I was exhausted after 4 cups. Had to leave the rest. Feeling drained.
According to the drug information sheet that came with the script, it says to let doc. know if feeling tired and weak. Well I should say that's exactly how I'm feeling so maybe its the coumadin making me feel these feelings to the extreme that I am. Nurse coming to my house today, will let her know. See the doc on Friday. Will definately let him know. Gonna spend most of today in bed. I think I pushed it too far yesterday. Definately has issues with stubborness lol.