Not a NUT!!! I am border line clinical depressant but the DR. only recommended that i have counseling before and after surgery, different then making it mandatory!!! I shouldn't have any more stalls!! I do believe my depression is situational more then any thing from being over weight all my life. I also think its a good idea to have counseling, so I am going to voluntarily go!! ONE STEP CLOSER
I had to go through 3 months prior of counseling. It definately will help, there are going to be some big changes and I am still having trouble dealing with them. It is best to address them now than later.
I agree with everyone one else that counseling is not a bad thing! I still should look into it myself....just gotta MAKE the time!!!!!!! You are on your way! Congrats!!!!
Ruth "It's never to late to LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER!"