Cripes Another Gripe
I just found out about the storm we are getting tomorrow night into Thursday. Somebody up there has it out for me. I am supposed to go have an endoscopy Thursday with Dr. Cobean. I HAVE to be there! I live 20 minutes south of Portland, and I have to rely on my Aunt to come all the way down here to pick me up and all the way back to Portland. With Dr. Cobean being my surgeon, I really can't afford to miss this appt. for the endoscopy or he might think I am not taking things seriously. Please everyone pray that the storm lets up before my noon appointment. Somethings gotta give somewhere. GEEZ!
I'll keep my fingers, toes, legs, shoelaces.....everything I can....crossed for you so you can make it there! I'm sure, though, if the weather is THAT bad that he'd rather you cancel then take a chance with risking your life. Maybe the storm won't be as bad as they are predicting! Maybe line up a snowmobile as a a back up plan?? (just kidding!!) Things will work out! Remember to breathe!!!!!!!!
Well if I can't get the snowmobile, anyone out there have an extra pair of snow shoes??
Breathing. I thnk I am just gonna let all this stuff go. It is what it is and it will be what it will be and it will happen when it happens. I cannot continuously worry about the "what ifs". Thanks for your input. I just have to roll with the punches.
Breathing. I thnk I am just gonna let all this stuff go. It is what it is and it will be what it will be and it will happen when it happens. I cannot continuously worry about the "what ifs". Thanks for your input. I just have to roll with the punches.