do you think this is good or bad? ll-you-your-kids-are-fat-How-do-you-feel/
my opinion is? I guess it is worth a try, to get us american back on track to health. BUT, that being said, don't we know if our children are Fat, have we done anything up till now? will a letter make a difference? both my kids are overweight/obeste, but do I tell them, they shouldn't eat this or that? I know, how that works? the more your parents put you down, the more you eat??? it is a very touchy subject. It certainly begins at a VERY early age. so many of my kids friends dont eat veggies, NOTHING>>>>
my opinion is? I guess it is worth a try, to get us american back on track to health. BUT, that being said, don't we know if our children are Fat, have we done anything up till now? will a letter make a difference? both my kids are overweight/obeste, but do I tell them, they shouldn't eat this or that? I know, how that works? the more your parents put you down, the more you eat??? it is a very touchy subject. It certainly begins at a VERY early age. so many of my kids friends dont eat veggies, NOTHING>>>>
It is a very difficult subject and the only way to REALLY teach your children is by example. You cannot tell them to do something that you don't do. All of my children suffer from weight issues. My DS fluctuates up/down but eats very healthy foods where as my oldest DD binges on junk and then doesn't eat for a day or two so she won't gain weight and the youngest DD only eats junk and way too much of it. The girls don't eat vegetables or meat (unless you consider chicken nuggets meat) and the youngest one doesn't eat potato, rice, or pasta (except mac n cheese out of a box). It scares me how their bodies will cope with their eating habits. I buy vitamins for them and ask them to take them. But really what has the world come to. Too much fast food and too many chemicals in them.
I agree that it starts at home, and that children learn by example. I do however find that it is expensive to eat healthy, it is much cheaper to buy a box of little debbies that it is to buy fresh fruit and the fruit is only good for a few days a box of little debbies will last years...It is also our busy lifestyles it is so quick and easy to pick up dinner at a drive through and with all the dollar menus realativly inexpensive. I have two sons and they too are overweight, my oldest lost 100lbs on his own and it has been a struggle for him to keep it off. My youngest(23 on April fools day) is too busy being 23 to realize he too needs to lose some weight. I think teaching healthy eating habits should be taught in school, but it shouldn't be so much about obesity, but more about the health benefits.
Deb P
Highest 2/04 Refferal 01/08 Surgery Today
374 365 300 217
I think teaching healthy habits is done at school AND at home. Kids really do learn what they live! I agree that it's a WHOLE lot easier and cheaper to buy pre-packaged stuff than it is to buy fresh veggies and fruits. Wonder why that is? hhmmm....BUT.....I'm hoping that by setting a better example for my kiddos, they can realize that it doesn't have to be about the junk and that the stuff that's good for you CAN taste good too! It's a work in progress around here!
My kids and hubby have started doing the Wii fit with their own little Mii's lol Timmy my youngest put in 1.5 hours this week pretty good for a 5 year old. My daughter likes the jogging but will pass her guide and follow the puppies instead. Try it sometime lol they take you off the beaten track so to speak. So I do believe they learn by example. I gave up trying to get my kids to eat healthy I just make sure they have their vitamins everyday. And don't eat to junky.My son is very picky now sometimes its PBn J for supper. He does like his fruit and veggies though PHEW!!!!