Applebee's has lied
seems like they do that daily now, and the good thing is they dont make it look so "Unattainable" they make it look easy and with small changes. good for them. it can be so overwhelming, especially when you watch shows liek the biggest looser. it is so unrealistic, exercising 6 hours a day. common??
That irks me, do you know how much gross tasting and expensive WW food I have eaten there. I could have just had a damn burger instead. That's what makes me the maddest, that it didn't even tast that good but I ate it because it was "good" for me. I want in on this class actions suit, they owe me some food that tastes good! LOL Personally I think Applebees, Olive Garden, and restaurants like that are just overpriced, unhealthy fast food. I think you can eat a McDs cheeseburger for 13 grams of fat and it would cost a whole lot less!!
Hello all, I am fortunate enough to live near an Applebees. Let me assure you I have no doubt this could have happened, but be assured, I eat off the WW menu there and have been very successful. It is when I choose OTHER menu items that I see a gain. I am proud of places like Applebees that they step up to the plate and TRY to offer weight conscience guests a choice. I certainly don't think that Applebees as a whole is out to sabatage us. I also saw the segment on the Today show and they did give a disclaimer that they only tested ONE Applebbes and there are almost 2000 stores. I am sounding like an Applebees I just think credit is owed to any establishment that is "trying". Kimberly