going out !! yooo hoooo
I'm off to bring MLM to work, then DH to PT, then I go to Walmart (the most exciting place for a depressed person, i'm really not depressed, just TIRED of being at home w/DH), I'm going to pick up some craft supplies to make 2 wreaths, i've been searching for something special and couldnt' find the stuff so I'll just settle for Basic. then p/u my old puter at Best Buy Geek Squad for my son. wow, isn't it exciting to get out of the house. I wonder sometimes If I should get a job, I think about it for like a day, and I say "NAHHHH". i'm way too lazy. Ya'll have a great day. oh, and just so you know, I've been 201.9, 201.8, 202.2, since before xmas. no matter if i'm good or bad, or exercise or not. they should sell a pill for this. maybe they do.. its called an EXLAX.... lol My Dad always told me I had brown eyes for a reason.