my real walking yesterday
i'd been doing my gazelle which dont do much, dont' even raise my heart rate. BUT I thought my walking tapes were good, I was sweaty, and heart rate up. but yesterday I went for a "REAL" walk at the mall for 30 mins. haha,I said, It was a small amount of time, but today, I have shin splints, lol, I havn't had a "REAL" walk in so long. i'm going again tomorrow with "H" I have to get him out of here, he is getting me depressed. whinning, complaining, not doing his exercise, then complaining he's flexibility isn't good. OMG ............ just freakin get off your ass and do something. Please forgive me. I'm an aweful wife and caregiver. I need a vacation, and I'm thinking without him right now.
Ruth, believe me, that is all I keep telling him. he say's he is stiff and whenever he does his stretches and exercise he says he feels better. "WELL".............???? I'm telling you, i'm ready to call a phyc for him. he is so depressed. we're going shopping tomorrow to get a door and stuff for his playroom, so I hope that might get him motivated a little. geeee, I think I will get a bottle of wine too.