religious Question OT
hey, guys, as some of you know I'm not the most religious person in town. so here is a stupid question. I just went to get MLM at his parents house, his mom is very religious but a little confused and sometimes, well always weird. so she meets me at the door and is crying and throws her arms around me and says "the Second comming is here" and I"ve lost my salvation and so did my DD. What the hell does that mean, she scared me. then her DH saw her and flipped out and told her to get the hell in the house. OH< BOY, I didnt' stay there very long. so can you explain what that means? thanks
As I understand it......the second coming is when Christ comes back to "judge" all of us. The "Good" ones are taken to heaven and the "bad" ones (like me) are left here to endure all the tribulations. Or something like that! People have been looking for the Second Coming for years. I wouldn't go pack YET! Ha!
Sounds like she might be a pickle shy of a cheeseburger?? Just my opinion........and I am FAARRR from being an expert in ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!
Sounds like she might be a pickle shy of a cheeseburger?? Just my opinion........and I am FAARRR from being an expert in ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!