Inspired by MamaG
I just saw her post that she did 100 sit ups this morning. I don't think I've done sit ups or crunches in at least 5 years. I finally resigned myself that it didn't matter HOW tone my abs were since you'd never see them under the flab! LOL
So, I think I'll do 100 RIGHT NOW! I'll tell you how it goes! LOL
So, I think I'll do 100 RIGHT NOW! I'll tell you how it goes! LOL
haha, you got that right, I do 25 to the left, 25 to the right, 25 in the middle then split the remainder, and by then, i've got some hell of a cramp. lol you know, it would be nice to have a flat tummy, but my main reason for doing them is to have a stronger "Core" and help with back weakness. if it makes me a little stronger, why not do it. it only takes 2 mins. good luck Summer.
I am the Queen of breaking things up into increments, with my pain. I do my arm during once commercial break, it don't sound long, but it is if your doing one thing over and over again. I'll just add some 3 lb weights when it gets easier. get the baby to do it with you, he must be getting so big. need to add a pic soon. nice having you back... love ya, Cheryl
Summer Thank you thank you. I have needed a kick in the butt for quite awhile. I have been slacking with the exercise for quite awhile and slipping back into old very bad habbits. I CAN"T and WON"T allow it to continue. Thank you all for helping me even though you have no idea how much. Off to exercise now
ok so I can't get to the Y right now cuz it's freezing rain here on the coast so because summer did some sit ups i'm going to do some standing push ups against my lab counter top. i'll move my hands so i can target different muscles. maybe i can get to the y after work. maybe they'll let us out early.